STOCK PHOTO...find a good one of Zhanna and replace!
A Dream...and Family
I was born in the Soviet Union, in what is now Kazakhstan. I dreamed of coming to America, of a place where opportunities existed that were unheard of in my hometown.
I studied English in Novosibirsk, Russia, then moved to America where I earned a degree in Business from the Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland.
Along the way, I got married and had two beautiful sons. Prytkina Kids is my small home business, merging my lifelong dream of America with the desire to find quality products for my family.
Leoboom Puzzles
Leoboom puzzles are designed and made by Natalia Avdeyeva, a mother and artist in Novosibirsk, Russia. Her puzzles are unique and well made. After getting some as a gift from family in Russia for our sons, we were unable to find anything similar on the US market so we decided to bring them to market here ourselves.